Keeping Our Students Safe in Exeter

We are committed to keeping our students safe in Exeter. Our managers, teachers, guides, activity leaders and homestay hosts are committed to creating a safe, positive, and happy environment for the children in our care, and to implementing our 'safer recruitment' and 'safeguarding' policies.

If you are interested in reading our safeguarding policy please click on the link below


GDPR - your data is safe in our hands

We will follow the guidance of the General Data Protection Regulations when dealing with information provided by our clients and students. When you complete forms on-line or send us personal information in hard copy we will store this information securely. All information you provide is stored in password - protected systems or physical storage that is protected. Information you supply will be used in our systems for the benefit of students in our care. This data will be passed, when necessary, to homestay hosts who will look after students on our programmes, to guides and activity leaders who will be working with students away from the school and need data to manage the smooth running of our programmes.

The data you provide to assist us in the smooth running of the school will never be shared with a third party for marketing purposes. If you have attended one of our courses, we may in future write to you to inform you about the school and our new courses. We may encourage you to return to our school. We will always ask if you are happy for us to write to you.


Photographs, Video, Your Words etc - Our Marketing

We only use our own images to market the school - this means that the images potential students see are images of our own students engaged in our own activities. We only want you to see what we have actually done. We will never use images of students who have participated in our courses without the prior written consent of students (if over the age of 18) or their parents 9if under the age of 18). These images may appear on our website, in social media feeds, or on posters around the school. Please feel free to tell us again when you are in Exeter if you are NOT happy to have your image used.

Some images used on our website pre-date the GDPR regulations. If you see your own image on our pages and are not happy to see it there, please contact and ask to have the image removed.

We may also use examples of student feedback on our website - this looks more trustworthy if it includes the name of the person who wrote it. When taking feedback, we will ask if you consent to our using your words on our website. You can say yes, no, or ask that the words appear without your name included.

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